Thursday, December 4, 2008

True Love Story Of A Bird

Photos of two birds are said to have been taken in the Republic of Ukraine where the bird is trying to save his mate. Millions of people cry after watching this picture in America and Europe. It is said that the photographer sold these picture for a nominal price to the most famous news paper in France. And all the copies of that news paper were sold out on the day of publishing these pictures.

It was a gloomy Saturday afternoon. A flock of birds was spending great time searching for food and playing on the main road. Out of the sudden, a big truck sped through... sad thing had happened again.

Here his mate is injured and the condition is appalling.  

Here he brings her food and attend her with love and compassion.

Brings her food but shocked with her death and try to move her..

He is aware that his sweetheart is dead and will not come to him again, he cries with adoring love.

Stand beside her and scream saddened of her death..

Finally aware that she would not return to him and she has departed, stands beside her body, sad and sorrow..

The photographer said he couldn't shoot any longer. The photographer was so worried that the living bird was going to get hurt by passing cars. So he picked up the dead bird and left it at the roadside. The live one still lingered at a nearby tree as if crying with his singing and refused to leave.

Do humans have the same feelings nowadays? I wonder. 

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