As the fresh blasts rocked the financial capital of the country, the Spirit of India has once again defeated the motive of terrorists to create panic. Even after 57 hours of the attack, the battle is still going on at Taj, Oberai, Trident Hotel and Nariman House (29th November, 06:00 hrs) but Whole India woke up to the morning of the 27th with the same spirit as it has always.

Many of the terror attacks that have hit the country in last few months. PM and inept Home Minister and Political India condemned the attack. It was good to see PM addressing the nation After the attack. Now in next few days a probe will be set in, we will await the results till the next terror strikes. Meanwhile, everyone hailed the spirit of the India and its resilience.
It does take a great deal of courage and a soul of steel to go back to work the next day after an attack like this. But you were at work because you have no other option. You don’t have time to pause and think.
An email is being circulated that “Terrorists, you cannot defeat us”.
But let me tell you, if 160 people of our city have been killed because of this nasty terrorisam and you still get up early in the morning and behave as nothing has happened, Sorry to say that– You are already defeated!!
The enemy has broken your spirit and has won over your soul. The enemy has subdued the rage that should boil over and it has taken the tears from your eyes that should flow. The same soul will pretend as nothing has happened even when we as a nation will loose our identity.
Is it required..?
This not the failure of Intelligence department, Police, ATS, Army, CoastGuard etc.. any thing. that’s the problem with our Dirty politics, Sentiments, Foolishness…at any cast, we should be defeated again. I don’t think any peace come out of this type of defeats. Take this attack as the Final wake-up call. Do Some thing .......
I, as a citizen of the country don’t feel safe in my country. It feels that anyone can come from anywhere and kill people at will.
I don’t want condemnation of attack but some concrete steps.
I don’t want reactions but some sort of action.
I don’t want politics but some Solid Reaction.
Can my government guarantee that? If not, then let Defence take over the reign of this country because our Political India have become spineless.
Lightning candles, observing silence, changing display pictures etc is not going to help. Neither government nor future attackers are going to see it. One thing is for sure that I am not going to do this thing.
They have attacked Red Fort, wives and children of Army personnel, Parliament, Stock Exchange, Educational institutes and professors,Police headQuarters,Hotels,Tourists, Amarnath, Akshardham, Ayodhya, Sankat mochanetc temples, mosques, bombs in buses,trains,streets. What is left?
Our government has to take some strong and bold steps.
This can perhaps be the first step towards the long journey that citizens of this nation need to start.I would prefer to die after killing an enemy of nation than being killed on a street as a mute victim.
Remember, Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.